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» » » » Fresh Collection of Photo Manipulation Tutorials

Photo manipulation is the application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception, through analog or digital means. The process of creating a detailed photo manipulation can be intimidating if you are new to the process or if you aren’t very familiar with Photoshop’s tools.
1. Photo Manipulate a Complex Falling Angel Scene

2. Create a Surreal and Dreamy Photo Manipulation

Create a Surreal and Dreamy Photo Manipulation

3. Dramatic Sci-Fi Photo Manipulation

Dramatic Sci-Fi Photo Manipulation

4. Photo Manipulate an Artistic Cloudscape Scene

Photo Manipulate an Artistic Cloudscape Scene

5. Create this “Heaven & Hell” Photo Manipulation

Create this “Heaven & Hell” Photo Manipulation

6. How to Create a Flaming Manipulation

How to Create a Flaming Manipulation

7. Scared Photo manipulation Tutorial

Scared Photo manipulation Tutorial

8. Professional Widow – Manipulation Tutorial

Professional Widow – Manipulation Tutorial

9. Discover the Undiscovered

Discover the Undiscovered

10. Create a Racing Snail

Create a Racing Snail

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